Case Studies

Achieve and sustain real gains in bottom line performance

Case study selection

Let the reality do the talking ...

Get valuable insights into real life scenarios, gain in-depth analysis and examine the details, context, and outcomes of these cases to achieve a deeper understanding of various industries, disciplines, and practices we serve.





Balancing inventory, service and cost to improve competitiveness

Turning External Manufacturing partners into a trusted asset

Underwriting Success

Building on Lean Improvements

Rewriting the book on software development

Maintaining Operational Performance

Making your bread better and faster

Restoring competitiveness

Breakthrough improvements in Operational Performance

Step change towards Operational Excellence

One Way of Working to deliver growth

Maintaining the position as Market Leader

Provide Best in Class Marine Operations Services (MOS)

Against all odds: Making a company Fit for Future

Raising the bar for operational performance

Multi-site Supply Chain Transformation

Making an organization Fit For Growth